RFK Jr Exposes Fauci’s $150K/Year Perk from the Moderna Vaccine

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“NIH is collecting billions of dollars on the Moderna vaccine, which they developed. And people who work for Tony Fauci, four to six individuals who work for them have margin rights for those patents so that they will collect now $150,000 a year for life. And their children and heirs will collect that money as long as that vaccine is being sold.”

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“The front page of today’s
’The Weekend Australian’

Well would you look at that

You can rest easy, all you “conspiracy theorists, whackjobs, nutters & tin-foil-hatters”

For 3+ years, the truths you’ve been telling have been shoved in the corner . . . You’ve been ridiculed, ostracised & de-friended.

Notice that feeling of relief inside when you read this front page news by the paid lying mainstream media (who were ALL MORE THAN consciously complicit in this cover-up)
That’s right – you were not crazy, you never were – & while you don’t need the lying paid propagandist ‘LameStream’ to verify what you already knew . . . you can show this to your friends and family.

The next step will be showing them death & injury details that have been kept from them.

See also  Elon Musk: The same people who demanded that you have a vaccine ID to travel are now demanding that there be no ID for voting

Please go easy on them.
This will be an horrendous shock for many, many people . . . remember how you felt so horrifically betrayed & conned when you first found out!?

They’re going to feel that & will be in need of support.”

Moderna Paid Fauci Lead Organization $400 Million in ‘Royalties’ on COVID-19 Vaccine Sales


h/t A Deplorable Neanderthal

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