Reddit has become the worst

Sharing is Caring!

by Kittybatty

As of lately, Reddit has really gone downhill this is the absolute worst social media site if you want to talk about anything interesting or anything real or anything of substance at all.

The majority of people in this sub and other alternative subs are literally just parrots, I feel like some of them are getting paid to be here and just discredit anyone who’s trying to bring up valid points.

I’m pretty close to literally just deleting all of my Reddit accounts and never coming back here again which is sad.

I used to really enjoy Reddit especially the conspiracy sub and other alternative thinking subs but now they’ve become extremely watered down and filled with shills.

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Every other platform, although all of them do use censorship to some degree, I am able to find interesting information and other people out there who are thinking critically and thinking for themselves and talking things I’m interested in and thinking about.

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Here I feel like I can’t even have any sort of discourse or conversation or learn anything new it’s just a bunch of people saying this is the way things are this is the way we’re told things are and you should just believe what everybody else believes.

I’m not going to do that and like I said I’m literally this close to deleting my account I just wanted to say goodbye and good luck.