Recession right around the corner.

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by _BreakingGood_

1: All major media and banking institutions have confirmed the upcoming recession

2: The yield curve has inverter

2: Consumer credit card debt is spiking

3: Auto loan defaults are spiking

4: Reduced inflation doesn’t mean prices went down. Everything is still expensive.

5: BTC and Crypto are mooning (money held in crypto has no value to the economy.)

See also  Home Depot is having big problems. (Recession Warning)

6: Homeless rates are on the rise

7: The price of a mortgage is too high for most people to afford a home

8: Upcoming US presidential election

9: COVID savings are reducing quickly

10: More people are becoming in debt every day

See also  The Global Recession of 2024 Meets Perfect Storm. Billionaire Investors Suddenly Dumping Their Stocks.

11: Layoffs en-masse, will soon outpace hiring and spike joblessness

12: US debt is the highest it has ever been in history

13: Recession already in progress in non-USA countries

14: The Fed won’t stop printing huge sums of money

15: Most people cannot afford essentials any more, will soon clamp down on spending.

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