Rand Paul says Dr. Fauci caught ‘red-handed’ for lying to Congress: ‘Nobody has lifted a finger’

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Kentucky Senator Rand Paul (R) joined “Fox & Friends” Monday to discuss why he says Dr. Anthony Fauci is lying about his involvement with coronavirus gain-of-function research. Paul said Fauci lied to Congress, which is a felony, about the origins of coronavirus and the Wuhan, China lab research.

RAND PAUL: There’s probably never been a government official caught more red-handed in a lie than this because now he has proved the lie in his own words. So at first he kind of acted like, ‘oh, we don’t have anything to do with the research over there. We don’t fund the research in Wuhan.’ So we found the actual scientific papers, we found the grant number proving that it came from his agency. And then he said, ‘oh, well, yeah, we’re funding it, but it’s not gain-of-function. My experts up and down have looked at this and it’s not gain-of-function.’ But now we have contemporaneous documents from February 2020, in the height of the beginning of the pandemic, where he’s saying privately, ‘well, yes, we’re suspicious that this virus could have come from the lab because they’re doing gain-of-function research.’ And he describes the project that I had described to him a year later, which he said, ‘oh, there’s nothing to see here. This is not gain-of- function.’ But now we have, in his own words, admitting that it was gain-of-function, admitting they funded it and admitting that it gave them suspicion to the possibility that this pandemic actually came from the lab. So now we have him dead to rights. 

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