Schools have become Maoist indoctrination camps.
— Laurence Fox (@LozzaFox) April 1, 2023
For decades, progressives have been aggressively informing us that they are devout fans of “diversity” and “multiculturalism.” These words have taken on an almost totemic significance, with “diversity is our strength” becoming a mantra for Canadian lefties. I have my quibbles with these buzz-words—diversity is a description, not a value—but I have often found myself wishing, over the past few years, that those who brandish these terms actually believed in them.
What we have found as the LGBT movement achieved cultural dominance is that for progressives, “diversity” is where people look different, but think the same. Thus, Western nations (primarily Anglosphere countries) can take in enormous numbers of immigrants from developing countries, so long as the many children of these immigrants are poured into the funnel of the state education system and emerge with the same values as the post-Christian kids. In Canada, immigrant communities have protested the radical sex-ed of the state schools; in the U.K., it is mostly Muslims who are fighting back against indoctrination.
Anyone who wants a nauseating glimpse of what state schools have become merely needs to follow journalists like Christopher Rufo or Chaya Raichik (more famously known as “Libs of TikTok”). But for a perfect microcosm of how entitled, post-Christian educators feel about the indoctrination they’ve been tasked with, this video clip of a teacher reading his students the riot act at the Stationers’ Crown Woods Academy, a secondary school and sixth form in the Greenwich area near London, England, really encapsulates the attitude of educators towards diversity (of thought).