President of El Salvador Nayib Bukele Who Cut Murder Rate by 92% Says Destruction of U.S. Cites Like LA, etc Must Be by Design

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via Dailymail:

“El Salvador’s popular hardline president boasted over his soaring approval ratings on social media following his government’s strict crime crackdown.

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Nayib Bukele has imprisoned over 65,000 gang members since he introduced an ‘iron fist’ approach to the country’s rampant cartel activity in March 2022.

Varying polls have seen the 42-year-old’s support rocket to around 90 percent as a result, with Bukele retweeting favorable statistics about his tenure on Tuesday after they were posted by controversial conservative Twitter account ‘End Wokeness’.

Bukele shared the account, which boasts 1.4 million followers, to highlight how record incarceration levels and intractable policing have essentially put an end to cartel dominance in the nation.

‘He took one of the deadliest countries and made it the safest in Latin America,’ the account said. ‘How did he do it? He jailed the criminals.'”

h/t dr0id

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