Portland’s $27 million homeless park is failing.

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Portland’s first sanctioned homeless ‘park’ is less than 20 percent full a month after opening as shocking new images show drug abuse and illegal campsites continue to plague its streets.

Oregon’s largest city is in the midst of a devastating humanitarian crisis, with its homeless population up almost 50 percent since 2019 to more than 5,000.

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The uber-woke local government is pinning its hopes of reversing the trend on a raft of costly new shelters.

But when DailyMail.com visited earlier this month, two of its flagship sites sat largely empty, with the majority of its drug-addled homeless population preferring to remain in unsanctioned campsites across the city.

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Distressing images showed rows of disheveled tents taking over the streets, while the left-behind inhabitants openly abused hard drugs on sidewalks.

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