Poland Dumps Ukraine

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by Chris Black

Either this is empty PiS populist noise in an election year or the war could be ending sooner than we think. 

Somehow the Ukrainian leadership is so insufferable that they’ve literally alienated the most schizophrenic anti-Russian country on earth.

How did Zelensky f*ck up this badly?

Imagine having a allies and going into an alliance with such guys. 

They are worsts than your enemy.

Russia still supplies gas and oil to Ukraine. And buys Ukrainian grain, meat, everything.

Poland, a colony of GAE which Ukraine now is part of refuses to not only import Ukrainian grain but also it blackmails Ukraine with arms shipment.

And this is when Ukraine is in great need.

These are not your allies Ukraine. 

See also  Trump is meeting with aides today to discuss canceling U.S. military aid to Ukraine - NYT

These are your enemies.

 Use logic and reason.

via RT:

Poland will no longer provide arms to the Ukrainian military, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has said, adding that Warsaw would instead shift focus to its own security. The decision follows a diplomatic row over Ukrainian grain imports, which were banned in Poland after flooding local markets. 

Morawiecki told reporters on Wednesday that the government would halt the weapons shipments, highlighting a growing rift between the two neighbors after more than a year of heavy support from Warsaw.

“We are no longer transferring weapons to Ukraine, because we are now arming Poland with more modern weapons,” Morawiecki said. He later warned that additional trade bans could be imposed on Kiev, given that the “Ukrainian authorities do not understand the degree to which Poland’s farming industry has been destabilized” by foreign imports.

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Riddle me this. 

I have seen so many of media reports about Ukraine, they are like :

>how Ukraine has done a good job holding back Russia

>how Russia is slowly losing this war

>how high is Russia’s casualties and loses

>how Ukraine has high k/d ratio and how Ukraine military hardware were more intact while Russia’s one keep getting destroyed

>how Russia can’t defend against drone strike

So why is Poland stop supplying weapons a big issue?

They seem to be able to do just fine even without the gibs. 

Besides, it’s just one country pulling out, there are other NATO countries supplying them?