Poland Confirms Nato Troops are in Ukraine

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By Martin Armstrong

3 14 24 Polish_Foreign_Minister_Says_NATO_Soldiers_Already_Present_in_Ukraine

The West wants war DESPERATELY with Russia. The Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski has come straight out and admitted on Friday, March 8th, that “NATO military personnel are already present in Ukraine.” They can’t wait to draw the first blood. Russia has NEVER had any intention of invading Europe. It has always been the other way around. This entire war was staged from the outset and was intended to force Russia to defend its own people in the Donbas. The West needs this war because the financial system can no longer be sustained. Governments default when they can no longer sell new debt to pay off the old. We are dangerously approaching that, and the war will be the excuse for default, like in World War II.

Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said she decided Denmark would send its artillery units to Ukraine. Meanwhile, NATO is moving nuclear missiles to the border with Russia. There is absolutely NOT ONE LEADER interested in seeking peace. Every single one is pushing for World War III ASAP. They all have their bunkers, so personally, they do not care about the people they are supposed to represent. The population has already been decided to be thinned out like a herd of sheep. Look at any war – more civilians ALWAYS die than soldiers.

There is no war where people have EVER been told the truth. Many in the so-called power positions were manipulated themselves. They are still debating the real causes behind World War I. I can tell you from what I know that the REAL reason behind the Iraq War was this idea of REGIME CHANGE throughout the Middle East would create peace by bringing in DEMOCRACY – which we do not even enjoy. Many officials do not know the real reason behind Iraq.

See also  Times Of India: 80,000 Ukraine Soldiers 'Refuse' To Fight Russia; 'Mass Desertions' Hit Ukrainian Army - Report

Regime Change

The object here has ALWAYS been Regime Change. These people convince themselves if they invade Russia and overthrow Putin, the Russian people will cheer. That is a bunch of Neocons patting each other on the back as to how brilliant they are. The sanctions on Russia were supposed to get the stupid Russian people to rise up and overthrow Putin to remove the sanctions. I never heard such stupidity in my life. This is why NOT A SINGLE REASON for war ever involves the truth. They manipulate those in power, like hand-puppets, to do their bidding, as we see it taking place right now.

Soros Calls for Assassination of Trump

While the computer shows that Trump should win, I still cannot see how they will allow that to take place. They need Biden, and they are looking to start this war by May or July/August, JUST IN CASE Trump wins and their assassination schemes fail.


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