Over $2B Gone: “Unfathomable Damage” to the Party, Kamala paid $100k for lookalike studio of call her daddy.

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Over $2B Gone: “Unfathomable Damage” to the Party

They Spent Over $2 Billion & Did “Unfathomable Damage to the Party”

Kamala Harris spent over $1.2 billion on a failed campaign, and the Democrat Party now owes $20 million. After PACs and other funds are added up, it will potentially come to over $2 billion spent. Donald Trump spent $750 million.

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Harris spent millions on celebrity endorsements. Would they have endorsed her if they weren’t paid?

To give you some examples, Kamala gave more than two million dollars to Oprah’s company. Oprah pretended she didn’t get paid, but it is her company. Harris allegedly paid Beyoncé $10 million, but she didn’t sing a note. Harris spent $100,000 to build a studio that looked like Call Her Daddy’s so she wouldn’t be inconvenienced by what turned out to be a failed interview. The woman blew millions on social media influencers and private jets. Another $9,000 went for ice cream. With PACs and all, it is estimated that Harris’s campaign took in double the amount and blew it.

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Imagine her with the US budget.


h/t Coastie Patriot