Americans suffering as prices rise, interest rates stagnate, and debt soars.

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Enough is enough! As if skyrocketing prices weren’t already squeezing us dry, now Treasury Secretary Yellen has the audacity to tell us interest rates won’t return to pre-pandemic levels? What a slap in the face to hardworking Americans!

With hardship withdrawals from 401k accounts hitting record highs, it’s clear that people are desperate. One in seven Americans now has a loan against their retirement savings, just to keep their heads above water. And guess what’s driving them to this desperate measure? Medical bills and looming foreclosures!

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Meanwhile, household debt is soaring, credit card interest rates are sky-high, and what’s the solution? Dollar Tree closing down hundreds of Family Dollar stores. When even the discount stores are struggling, you know things are dire.

It’s time for our leaders to wake up and realize the havoc their policies are wreaking on ordinary citizens. We can’t keep paying the price for their incompetence and indifference.

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