NYC is rapidly declining…

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by BoatSurfer600

City officials restocked vending machine with Naloxone and fentanyl-testing kits.


New York City’s first public health vending machine giving out free crack pipes, condoms and Narcan, an overdose-reversing drug, was already empty less than 24 hours after being unveiled by officials.

But eager city officials determined to keep residents in rich supply of clean drug apparatus were quick to revisit the site on Tuesday afternoon with more.

Elan Quashie, the Opioid Overdose Program Director at Services for the Under Served, said: ‘We’re going to restock every day. Probably multiple times a day.’

He said he was not surprised that the items were taken so quickly, adding: ‘I kind of knew that they would go.’

He restocked five trays of Naloxone and two trays of fentanyl-testing kits – and said he will be returning later to refill the machine with the other products.

Bob McManus: Giving out free crack pipes is government-assisted suicide.

New York averages eight drug-overdose deaths every day, and City Hall’s response is free crack pipes.

The pipes are being distributed from no-charge-to-addicts vending machines plunked down in already drug-plagued city neighborhoods.

And the machines have been placed near previously established, government-sponsored drug shooting galleries — oops, make that “safe-injection” sites — which are the last big anti-overdose idea.

That obviously didn’t work; overdose fatalities are up 78% since 2019. So who’s the genius who thinks free drug paraphernalia — apparently syringes are soon to be added — will make it all better?

That would be City Health and Mental Hygiene Commissioner Ashwin Vasan, who calls the initiative “an important arrow in our quiver.”

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