The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) is once again toying with a speed limiter idea after its investigation into a multi-vehicle collision that transpired last year in North Las Vegas, Nevada, which resulted in nine fatalities. The board recommends implementing intelligent speed assistance technology in all new cars. This comes after the board determined the crash was caused by excessive speed, drug-impaired driving, and Nevada’s failure to deter the driver despite being a repeat offender.
With Is Intelligent Speed Assistance Technology?
This Intelligent Speed Assistance Technology (ISA) utilizes a car’s GPS location compared with a database of posted speed limits and its onboard cameras to ensure vehicles maintain “safe” and legal speeds. Passive ISA systems warn a driver when the vehicle exceeds the speed limit through visual, sound, or haptic alerts, but the driver is still responsible for slowing the car. On the other hand, active systems include mechanisms that make it more difficult, but not impossible, to increase the speed of a vehicle above the posted speed limit and those that electronically limit the speed of the vehicle to entirely prevent drivers from exceeding the speed limit. New York is even experimenting with an ISA system
They want a speed limit off shore too for boats.
Former President Donald Trump claimed Monday that windmills are driving whales ‘crazy’
‘They’re driving the whales I think a little batty and they’re washing up on shore at levels never seen before,’ the 2024 presidential hopeful said
Trump spoke at a South Carolina boat manufacturer and said he was against speed limit decreases the government wants to enact to save whales
Former President Donald Trump renewed his war on windmills Monday – this time suggesting they were whale murderers.
Trump was on the campaign trail Monday in South Carolina, appearing at Sportsman Boats, a boat manufacturer in Summerville, a town outside of Charleston.
h/t Coastie Patriot