No 2nd amendment for her : CA judge hands down harsh sentence to 7 yo girl over BLM Message.

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Critics say the ruling means elementary school kids have no free speech rights.

A judge sided against the family of a 7-year-old who was severely punished for scrawling “any life” under a Black Lives Matter message on a card she gave to a friend who happened to black.

The girl, known in court documents only as “B.B.,” gave a picture to her friend after they saw a documentary about the life of Martin Luther King Jr. She also drew round shapes in different colors that were supposed to represent their “racially-mixed” group of friends, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

‘An elementary school … is not a marketplace of ideas.

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Her friend, known as “M.C.” in court documents, took the image home, where it was seen by her parents. They were offended by the picture and called the school to demand administrators take action.

The school punished the girl for what administrators saw as racially insensitive speech by making the girl apologize to her friends and teachers on the school playground. They also banned her from drawing pictures for two weeks and from going to recess.

The mother of the girl only found out about the incident a year later.

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the school shows her a video about King, she gets the message of equality and acceptance and shares it with a friend . Clearly the school was try to contort the words of KING…. why not show Malcom X or George Floyd if you you are going to get mad at someone that clearly got the message from KING !!


the last part reminded me of this clearly the leaders ddint get Kings message

You aint never met Dr Martin Luther King!!!!

h/t Coastie Patriot

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