Newsom says he’s not worthy of running for president, and He’s Right!

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Gavin Newsom Is Going To Destroy California.

The latest legislation is the most sweeping emissions disclosure set of rules for big business to date in the country.

The policy would require more than 5,300 companies to report their emissions, according to Ceres, a nonprofit policy group supporting the bill.

SB 253 requires companies with greater than $1 billion in annual revenues to file annual reports publicly disclosing their direct, indirect, and supply chain greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, verified by an independent and experienced third-party provider.

SB 261 requires companies with $500 million in annual revenues to prepare biennial reports disclosing climate-related financial risk and measures they have adopted to reduce and adapt to that risk, with the first report due by January 1, 2026.

Democratic Assemblymember Chris Ward drummed up the usual unsubstantiated fervor and urgency in regard to climate change. “We are out of time on addressing the climate crisis,” Ward urged. “This will absolutely help us take a leap forward to be able to hold ourselves accountable.”

A great leap forward — into the abyss.

Previously: The Coroner Will Rule California’s Death a Suicide.

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h/t labbond