News CBS goes old Soviet Russia-style with new department that approves stories before they’re allowed to air…

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Well, folks, it’s hard to believe, but our shameless propaganda media has sunk to levels lower than we ever thought possible. And, to make matters worse, things are getting downright terrifying. What if we told you that a so-called “trusted” news source in the United States—the land of the “free press”—is now running their story ideas through a radical left-wing ideology department that has the power to approve or disapprove of what airs on American televisions and across the internet?

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Sounds pretty horrifying, right? Like something straight out of Soviet Russia. Well, grab a bowl of borscht and get cozy, because the story we’re about to tell you isn’t from old Mother Russia—it’s happening right here at home, and it involves none other than CBS News. According to a new report, CBS must now get the “okay” from a radical new department before any of their stories ever make it to air or print.

Let freedom ring, right?

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h/t Dan