New Study Proves Reality: Biological Sex Is a Huge Factor in Sports Performance

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Despite a growing trend of downplaying biology’s significance in athletic performance, a recent study — refreshingly — shows what should be obvious: Biological men are stronger and faster than biological women.

The study “Performance of non-binary athletes in mass-participation running events” by two U.K. university scholars and an independent researcher found that biological males who identify as “non-binary” outperformed biological females who identify as same.

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The Publica reports the researchers examined results from almost two dozen races in the New York Road Runners “non-binary” category, in which both biological males and females can compete.

Their conclusion: “There was zero evidence” to support the theory that runners’ gender identification as “non-binary” shrinks the biological sex athletic performance gap.

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Lead researcher John Armstrong of King’s College London said that as an “objectively measurable binary variable, sex has considerable explanatory advantages over gender identity.”

He added there is a “lack of empirical evidence supporting gender-identity theory.”

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