New Russian “Glide Bombs” Proving Highly Effective as Summer Offensive Begins

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A new weapon (outfitted using old weapons) has been used increasingly by Russia in the past two months and it’s proving to be highly effective as the Russian forces in Ukraine ramp up what looks to be the beginning of a long anticipated summer offensive.  Dubbed the “glide bomb,” they are actually Soviet era FAB bombs retrofitted with glide technology and rudimentary laser/GPS guidance.  The FABs can weigh up to 6600 pounds and have a deadly shrapnel radius of at least 200 yards.

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The glide bombs are launched from Russian air assets well away from Ukrainian anti-aircraft positions and the weapons “glide” up to 40 miles to front line targets with relative precision.  The cost of retrofitting FAB bombs is far cheaper than building modern laser guided weapons like ATACMS.  The bombs give Russia the ability to provide air support to offensive troops without putting aircraft in the way of NATO missiles.  Meaning, they are the perfect weapon to enable a new Russian offensive action.  European tacticians are calling the glide bombs “wonder weapons.”

There are reports that the newest version of the glide bomb called the ‘FAB 3000’ is already being used at the front.  The bombs are so large they do not require a direct hit on target in order to do extensive damage.

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