Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) cuts an image as a moral authority in the Capitol, using his large social media platform and cable news appearances to condemn Republicans like Donald Trump and Brett Kavanaugh when he was a nominee for the Supreme Court.
He’s a little more muddled when it comes to New Jersey — a state lately in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons.
Booker took days to join the chorus calling for his friend and colleague Bob Menendez’s resignation from the Senate after he was indicted a second time. Now, Booker speaks in general platitudes after the state’s longtime Democratic kingmaker, George Norcross, was indicted by a state grand jury Monday.
“Anytime you see public figures getting indicted it’s a sad time for our state,” Booker said in an interview when asked about the allegations against Norcross, adding that he had not read the indictment yet. “This is something that should be concerning.”