The reality is that ever since Trump ran for office in 2015, they have lost their minds, are completely unhinged and have attacked countless, innocent Trump supporters. Democrat leaders have incited this – calling on their supporters to react violently towards Trump voters.
A recap to refresh their memories – feel free to add:
Bernie calling for a revolution. Pelosi calling for “uprisings all over the country”. Maxine Waters advocating that Democrats should attack Trump’s cabinet and supporters:
Videos Show Woman Hit With Eggs, Tomatoes at Trump Rally
Woman who supports Trump surrounded by protesters, who taunt her, then throw eggs and bottles at her.
— Jacob Rascon (@jacobabc13) June 3, 2016
Mentally disabled man kidnapped for 48 hours, beaten and tortured, knife held to his throat, made to drink from the toilet, aired live, because he voted for Trump:
Man assaults teen wearing Make America Great Again Hat
Hillary’s bullies attack a homeless Trump supporter in front of his Hollywood Walk of Fame star.
[link to (secure)]
Hillary Clinton – calling Trump supporters deplorable racists, sexists, xenophobic
Sarah Sanders and her family, to include her children, demeaned, publicly shamed and kicked out of a restaurant because she worked for the Trump administration:
There are thousands upon thousands of documented cases where leftists attacked innocent people simply because they voted for Trump.
From 2019
Complete List Of Incidents of Hate Against Trump Supporters
From 2020
430 Attacks On Trump Supporters
221 Hate Crime “Trump Effect” Hoaxes
29 Republican HQ’s Attacked
Candace Owens attacked while having breakfast at a restaurant because she is a conservative:
Tucker Carlson’s home descended upon by leftists while he was away from home – frightening his wife and children as they hid in a closet and called 911:
h/t ElleMira