National Debt Interest Surpasses Defense & Medicare Costs

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In a concerning development for U.S. economic stability, interest payments on the nation’s burgeoning debt have now exceeded expenditures on defense and Medicare combined.

Key Points:

  • Interest payments in the first seven months of fiscal year 2024 reached $514 billion, surpassing spending on national defense ($498 billion) and Medicare ($465 billion).
  • Interest costs now exceed combined spending on veterans, education, and transportation.
  • The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget warns that rising debt will continue to push interest rates higher, potentially crowding out spending on other crucial priorities.
  • The Federal Reserve’s series of interest rate hikes since 2022 have significantly increased federal borrowing costs.
  • Interest payments rank as the second-largest budget item and are projected to become the most expensive by 2051.
  • The ballooning national debt, which has quadrupled over the past decade to over $34.5 trillion, exacerbates the financial strain.
  • President Biden’s administration has approved substantial borrowing, including $1.85 trillion for COVID relief and $370 billion for infrastructure, contributing to the debt surge.
  • Despite claims of deficit reduction, much of the reduction cited by Biden reflects the expiration of emergency pandemic measures rather than a sustained fiscal improvement.
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