More than 2000 People Buried Alive in New Guinea Landslide

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A catastrophic landslide in Papua New Guinea has left more than 2,000 people feared buried alive, significantly surpassing the UN’s initial death toll estimate of 670. The disaster has devastated Yambali village in Enga province, triggering a complex humanitarian crisis and posing daunting challenges to rescue operations.

  • More than 2,000 people believed buried alive.
  • UN initially estimated 670 deaths.
  • Only five bodies recovered by Monday.
  • 150 homes estimated buried, up from previous estimate of 60.
  • 200-meter stretch of highway buried under 6 to 8 meters of debris.
  • Government estimates PNG population at 10 million, UN suggests up to 17 million.
  • Rescue efforts hampered by ongoing danger from shifting ground and flowing water under rubble.
  • Manual digging with shovels due to lack of heavy machinery.
  • Remote location and tribal conflicts necessitating military escorts for aid.
  • Anticipated economic impact for entire country.
  • Disputed casualty figures complicating international relief coordination.
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