Money, inflation and buying power

Sharing is Caring!

by Contra spem spero

So today by accident I had to look for some numbers, it is fucking shocking and eye opening. All data used are on public servers:
1973 average salary $7580
1984-doubled $15239/103 .3 millions working people. So in 11 years in doubled
2000-doubled again $30470/ 148.2 millions working people in 16 years
2021-doubled $60575/168.1 millions in working people in 21 years.
So if math is correct in 2048 average salary will be $121000/188 millions working people.
So now the questions, is the salary going up because high paying jobs are added or because people does make more.

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Now the inflation, numbers:
1973 as base line, from 1972-1973 6.2
1973-1984 94.9% inflation
1984-2000 -51.4% inflation on top of 94.9
2000-2021 -45.9% inflation on top of 94.9+51.4
2022-2024 -16.7% inflation on top 94.9+51.4+45.9.

So between 1973 and 2021 USD lost 226% of its value but average salary only went up 200% and the amount of working people increased by 65.5m. How many welfare recipients and other not contributing marginals are there, i have no idea, but it does not look good.

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So what I’m seeing, young generations are f**ked and they not even born yet, thats slavery right there. Retirements plan would not be able to ever catch up.
Folks, game is rigged and table is tilted….

I had to vent it, but future does not look bright.