MI AG leveling felony charges on 16 Republicans that signed certificate stating Trump won 2020 Election

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Democrat Attorney General Dana Nessel is leveling felony charges against 16 Republicans that signed a certificate stating that Donald Trump won the Michigan’s 2020 Presidential Election.

Each of the 16 people—including TOP Republican officials—will be charged with the following eight felonies:

• Two counts of election law forgery
• Two counts of forgery
• Uttering & publishing
• Conspiracy to commit forgery
• Conspiracy to commit election law forgery
• Conspiracy to commit uttering and publishing

If convicted on all charges, these 16 Republicans (whose average ages are almost 70), face up to 94 years in prison and tens of thousands in fines.

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Just In: Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel has filed charges against 16 Republicans who she says acted as fake electors in the 2020 election.

The 16 individuals met at GOP headquarters and agreed that the 2020 election was rigged and Trump should have won. They signed a document claiming to be electors and attempted to have Mike Pence decertify Michigan.

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This comes after Nessel dropped all charges in the Flint water case because they were all democrats, and Michigan democrats are attempting to make it a federal hate crime for offending someone with speech.

This is what happens when elections aren’t secured. Detroit is beyond saving from the corruption that owns the city, and they’re bringing the rest of the state down with them.


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