Media Blackout on Pinocchio Joe’s Inappropriate Kissing, Touching Questioned in Video

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(Luis Cornelio, Headline USA) A newly released compilation video of President Joe Biden’s seemingly inappropriate touching, kissing and hugging has emerged on Twitter, raising questions about the legacy media’s blackout on the topic.

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The video, originally released in 2022 but re-shared on Thursday by editor “Mazemoore” on Twitter, shows Biden during his time as vice president and candidate coming uncomfortably close to several minors and kissing his some of granddaughters on the mouth.

“The media has always turned a blind eye to this Joe Biden,” captioned Mazemoore, referring to what many have suggested is a media’s refusal to cover these disturbing displays of affection.

The video footage includes Biden at swearing-in ceremonies, grabbing the shoulders of some children and putting his face near their necks and hair. Such disturbing behavior could have ended any other politician’s career—but not Biden’s.