Massive Economic Turmoil: Surging Credit Card Losses, Record Evictions, Soaring Loan Delinquencies, and Unhappy Workers

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The sharp increase in credit card losses, coupled with the rise in evictions and loan delinquencies, paints a bleak picture for the economy, reminiscent of the challenging times during the Great Financial Crisis.

Food Prices up Over 20%, Credit Card Delinquencies Now Higher As Credit Card Debt Grows on Inflation

Despite Paul Krugman’s assurance that inflation’s grip is loosening, recent reports suggest otherwise, indicating that the flames of inflation are stubbornly persistent. Desperate to keep pace with escalating prices, consumers are increasingly leaning on credit cards, leading to a staggering 38% growth in credit usage since April 2021. Alarmingly, this surge occurs in the backdrop of steep interest rate hikes. An even more ominous sign is the rising credit card delinquency rates.

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