Massachusetts tops list as most expensive state for families, requiring $301,184 annually for comfort.

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Key points:

  • Massachusetts is the most expensive state to raise a family of four, requiring an annual income of $301,184 for comfortable living.
  • Hawaii, Connecticut, New York, and California follow closely behind in terms of required income.
  • The cost of living calculations are based on a 50/30/20 budget allocation for necessities, discretionary spending, and savings.
  • Mississippi is the least expensive state, with an annual income requirement of $177,798 for a family of four.
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Potential implication:

  • High costs of living in urban states like Massachusetts pose challenges for families, particularly in areas such as housing, child care, and medical expenses.
  • Rural states may have lower costs, but they often come with lower wages, creating a trade-off between affordability and income opportunities.
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