A devastating mass casualty event unfolded on State Route 241 near Irvine, California, on the evening of September 19, 2024. A fire truck belonging to the Orange County Fire Authority overturned in a horrific accident, leaving eight firefighters injured. Six of the firefighters sustained serious injuries, while two escaped with minor injuries.
The accident occurred as the fire truck swerved to avoid a ladder in the roadway, a sudden maneuver that led to the vehicle’s rollover. The firefighters were returning from battling the Airport Fire, a large wildfire that had ravaged the area.
This incident serves as a sobering reminder of the dangers firefighters face, not only while battling blazes but also during routine tasks like returning from the scene. First responders are now grappling with the fallout from this heart-wrenching event, as the community rallies to support those injured.
h/t Uppity Me