Magnificent 7 vs Nifty 50

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Just goes to show the leaders today might not be the leaders tomorrow.

It’s hard to believe, I know.

When you factor in everything we knew about the Nifty Fifty back then of course they seemed invincible.

When you factor everything we know now of course the Magnificent 7 seem invincible.

It’s what we don’t know about that can make the leaders of today mediocre (or even losers) in the future.

Oil was just as much entrenched in our society as technology is now, but look at what happened.

IBM’s mainframes were entrenched and still are, but look what happened to them.

AI is hot know but the future is highly unpredictable. Look at how a relatively “small” startup OpenAiI is disrupting the entire world of tech. Microsoft is just lucky to have found them and bet on them before the others.



h/t iBuY-sToCks