Looks Like Bud Light Will Never Recover From Dylan Mulvaney Disaster

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by Chris Black

This is how it is going to be for these companies.

You can’t let hyper-left activists have decision-making abilities and expect to make profits.

You can take a position.

Consumers don’t have to buy your products.

We’ve watched this unfold time and time again.

NASCAR banned the Confederate flag and people just stopped caring.

Those people found they could occupy their time with other things and not miss left turns.

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Dick’s stopped selling AR-15 and now Academy is making headway into that market.

Gillette lost how many billions with their anti-white ad?

Dollar Shave Club was heading towards challenging Gillette and Schick in the razor market until they said they didn’t want people who didn’t support BLM to buy their products.

Disney movies aren’t making anywhere near what they should be making, and most are losing money.

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The Dixie Chicks took Dixie out of their name and now no one cares about them.

How many times does this scenario have to play out before CEOs and/or shareholders demand they stop catering to these small groups?