Judge rules Trump has IMMUNITY from prosecution

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My synopsis of video:

Supreme Court case Nixon vs. Fitzgerald decision gives President absolute immunity for all actions done as president, even if unlawful.

Judge in PA has ruled Trump can’t be sued or indicted due to protection provided by presidential immunity. This is beginning to happen in GA and will end all cases against Trump.

Federal officials can’t be targeted under state law for actions they took in their capacity as Feds. Every instance of this has been dismissed.

Rep. Matt Gaetz says any committee or even subcommittee can bring Trump in as a witness to give testimony about corruption/ abuse of criminal process and give him immunity to charges against him. Says select committee could be formed tomorrow to do exactly that. Basically whistleblower protection.

See also  Federal Judge slaps down Media Matters — Elon Musk lawsuit can proceed.

h/t FatesFury

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