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JPMorgan analyst explains why he believes we’re in a ‘selective recession’
byu/Perfect_Alarm_2141 ineconomicCollapse

I am looking forward to after Nov when they can just call it a recession.

See also  Chip Roy — We’re forced to eat this ‘crap sandwich.’

First they will speculate if it will be a “good christmas” or not with ever more anxiety… then in early Jan we can just admit how bad everything is and we won’t have to gas light the folks looking for work and having a hell of a time of it anymore!

h/t Vamproar

See also  U.S. Government - "They literally said, during the Cold War, we classified entire areas of physics and took them out of the research community, and entire branches of physics basically went dark and didn't proceed. If we decide we need to, we're going to do the same thing to the math underneath AI."