Jamie Dimon — Odds still favor a recession.

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  • JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon said he still believes that the odds of a “soft landing” for the economy are around 35% to 40%, making recession the most likely scenario in his mind.
  • When asked if he had changed his view from February that markets were too optimistic on recession risks, Dimon said the odds were “about the same” as his earlier call.
  • Dimon added he was “a little bit of a skeptic” that the Federal Reserve can bring inflation down to its 2% target because of future spending on the green economy and military.
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JPMorgan Chase
CEO Jamie Dimon said Wednesday he still believes that the odds of a “soft landing” for the U.S. economy are around 35% to 40%, making recession the most likely scenario in his mind.

When CNBC’s Leslie Picker asked Dimon if he had changed his view from February that markets were too optimistic on recession risks, he said the odds were “about the same” as his earlier call.

“There’s a lot of uncertainty out there,” Dimon said. “I’ve always pointed to geopolitics, housing, the deficits, the spending, the quantitative tightening, the elections, all these things cause some consternation in markets.”


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