Italy PM Meloni “Tries” to Do Something About Invaders, Gets Blocked by Court

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by Chris Black

This is Trump deja-vu all over again.

This is a basic standard thing that shill controlled opposition conservatives do all over the world – they pretend to be trying to do some policy which they know won’t work so they can then claim victimhood.


Premier Giorgia Meloni on Monday expressed shock at a decision by a Catania court to release three Tunisian migrants from detention on the grounds that measures in a recent government decree are allegedly illegitimate.

Under the decree, migrants can be held in pre-expulsion CPR centres for up to 18 months but can post a ‘bail’ of 5,000 euros in order to avert being detained, a measure that has spurred widespread criticism.

I was astonished by the Catania judge’s ruling, which, on incredible grounds… freed an illegal immigrant who had already received a deportation order, unilaterally declaring Tunisia an unsafe country (which is not the judiciary’s job) and going against the measures of a democratically elected government,” Meloni said in a social-media post.

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It was Mama Merkel’s idea to open the floodgates in the first place, claiming outright that she wants to replace the population and saying that black Africans from Syria would work in high-tech (she said that).

Germany runs the European Commission, which is a dictatorial body not influenced by any “democracy” process, and that is why you can’t just shoot invaders when they try to enter, and why it is impossible to deport them.

The Italian court is just following EU human rights laws.

Here’s a little known fact, because nobody’s talking about it: the boats leaving from North Africa only go a few miles off the coast of Tunisia, and then these Soros Germans come and pick them up off the boat and taxi them to Italy.

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Once they are in international waters, they get a free ride.

At least 95% and maybe as much as 99% of the journey is on an NGO boat.

This means traffickers don’t have to have a seafaring vessel. They just put lawnmower motors on dingies and drive them to a meeting spot right off the coast of Africa, the Germans meet them and deliver them to Italy.

It’s a legal loophole that they have to be in international waters before they can get picked up.

These NGOs would just be running a ferry system directly from land if they could.

The claim from the media is that the NGOs are just there to help in case the boat sinks, but they don’t have any boats capable of getting to Italy.

The whole thing is heinous.