by Chris Black
Maybe he was over the line, I can give you that, but then again: where’s the lie?
A true Pope would never bless/endorse/promote degeneracy and sodomy like Francis is doing for years.
An Italian priest has been struck off after calling Pope Francis an “anti-pope usurper” in his New Year’s Eve homily.
Father Ramon Guidetti’s speech to the congregation at St Ranieri church in Guasticce, a hamlet in the Tuscan province of Livorno, was a tribute marking the first anniversary of the death of Francis’s predecessor Benedict XVI.
In a video of the homily, which lasted more than 20 minutes and was shared online, Guidetti refers to the Argentinian pontiff – whose former name is Jorge Mario Bergoglio – as simply “Mr Bergoglio”, before describing him as “a Jesuit Freemason linked to world powers, an anti-pope usurper”.