Is The World Souring On US Treasuries And The Fed? Biden/Congress Out Of Control Spending Is A Disaster (UNFUNDED Entitlements Promised By Federal Government Larger Than Total National Assets!)

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by confoundedinterest17

Here is a chart of Non-commerciak net positions for US Treasuries, currently showing more bailing out of Treasury positions. Has the world sours on DC’s fiscal train wreck and The Fed?

Of course, budget deficits are a disaster with Biden/Congress spending like drunken sailors in port and showing no signs of letting up. The good news? At least a court struck down Biden’s illegal cancelation of student debt (a desperate attempt to win votes). That would have spiked the budget deficit.

See also  Yellen's tenure racked up $7.41 trillion in deficits, pushing national debt up by $8.29 trillion, marking a legacy of fiscal failure, then boldly declaring, 'Deficits need reducing.' Pure irony.

As I pointed out yesterday, the UNFUNDED entitlements promised by the Federal government are now larger than that total national assets (business, household). In other words, if the US liquidated ALL assets, they couldn’t pay off the UNFUNDED entitlements. And good luck taking away the entitlements!

See also  France, South Korea, Germany, and now Canada—incumbents face upheaval. The world has the worst ruling class in a long time.