Is that a joke? Where in the Constitution can I find this “White House” that can apparently order around the President?

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DEMS: Don’t Let Grampa Joe Near the Senate Negotiations.

“The Hill story says that “some Democratic senators are worried that if Biden got into a room with McConnell or other Senate GOP negotiators, he might end up cutting a deal on border and asylum policy that will enrage their party’s base.” Speaking anonymously to the paper, one Dem senator described the “leeriness fellow Democrats feel about making Biden the point person in the talks.”

“A totally legitimate concern is if you’re not reasonably close [to a deal], there’s no reason to put him in a room … He could be dragged anywhere,” he said. Once Grampa Joe gets to talking, you never know what he’ll say or agree to anymore. 

But this is where things get completely Byzantine. Democrat sabotage against Biden is also coming from inside the house — the White House, that is. “The handling of the talks is now raising eyebrows in Washington,” according to The Hill, “particularly among Republicans who suspect the White House did not want Biden to agree to a deal.”

Who’s in charge of the Biden White House, anyway? Some suspect that it’s actually Barack Obama, and you could certainly include your friendly neighborhood VodkaPundit among the some.

This is the third hit piece I’ve written on Biden in the last 24 hours. I’m not trying to be cruel or hyperpartisan — it’s just that when the target keeps popping up a mere five yards away, you’ve got to take your shot.”

They aren’t even trying to pretend anymore.

h/t Zapollo

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