Iran’s Dire Warning to America

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by Chris Black

Let’s be clear, no one wants to say it, but that is the threat Iran has always made: “We will do suicide bombings in America.”

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An Iranian terrorist campaign in America – especially given the number of Muslims we now have in the country – would mean that the government would take measures that would make the Covid lock-downs look like playtime for baby.

How is it possible no one is thinking about this?

Can you imagine what the current government of America would do if a 9/11 style event happened?

Just think about it for a few minutes.

This is not a drill.

Fatmerican boomer retards used to say “we don’t respond to threats.”

It’s like: “Then what the f*ck do you respond to, fat boy?”

You can’t base foreign policy entirely on avoiding conflict, but when you’re considering an elective war, and a country presents an actionable, legitimate threat of doing serious damage to your country, it’s basic responsible behavior that you weigh the threat.

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