Insider Trading Patterns Prove ISRAEL KNEW About Hamas Attack

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by Chris Black

This is one of the most important news items ever.

Or, rather, it will be if Bibi is able to turn this thing into a world war, which is clearly what he is trying to do by committing this slaughter in Gaza.

Don’t expect this story to get much play in the media.


Some traders may have been informed about the Hamas plan to attack Israel on October 7 and used that knowledge to make millions of dollars by short-selling Israeli securities, a study by US researchers published on Monday suggests.

Law professors Robert Jackson Jr. from New York University and Joshua Mitts of Columbia University examined trading in exchange-traded funds that invest in Israeli companies, as well as short-selling activity on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange (TASE) and options activity around Israeli firms traded on US exchanges.

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That is to say: the study proves, absolutely, that people on Wall Street knew that something was going to cause Israeli stocks to drop on October 7.

They did know about the attack.

Wall Street is run by bankers that have connections to Israeli intelligence.

And such a banker is not going to blow the whistle on a terrorist attack that he can make money off of.

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