Illegal immigrants are 4x times Biden’s new limit.

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Joe Biden’s BS border move has already failed.

Thursday saw some 10,000 migrants in Border Patrol custody, four times the limit at which our president said he would stop processing the phony asylum claims used by illegals.

Meanwhile, video taken by The Post shows hundreds of migrants from mainly China and Turkey still crossing the border unhindered into California, then rounded up by Border Patrol on Thursday.

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Other video shows much the same in rural Texas on Wednesday, after Biden’s “crackdown” supposedly took effect.

Sure looks like it’s had no effect..

Some 4,000, way over the limit, were apprehended on Wednesday. And the inflows just keep coming.

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Customs and Border Protection processing centers in San Diego — the top illegal crossing area — have been stuffed to the gills and beyond recently, at 237% capacity.

Like everything else Biden’s done on the border, this policy is a joke.