Every American is technically insolvent when you factor in the National Debt
That doesn’t even include unfunded liabilities like insolvent banks that will fail
Sure it was smart when everyone refinanced and a great deal for the homeowner but a shitty deal for the lender
Homeowners are on the hook anyway for the lender losses the way this socialist system has been put together
The crisis is going to happen and the spending is going to have to stop because the money isn’t going to have any value
Over the next three years half of the National Debt matures so the government has to go out and borrow $16 trillion to pay it back
Companies are running out of tricks to mask the financials from the true state of the economy
Forecast targets are way overstated
All the insiders have been dumping shares while sunshine pumping the media
The amount of f**kery going on right now is absurd as more news comes out around earnings manipulation through accounting shenanigans, PPP loan fraud and we even have real estate agents conspiring to inflate commissions.
What a f**king disaster