Wife was reading me a research article that explained why the surgeon general wants social media to have a sticker. In essence, brain development is impaired by excessive use of electronics. Children now will be less developed with less linguistic capabilities in the future. Ergo, if you are a smooth talker the world will be yours.
Coupled with various research articles showcasing how THC use impairs brain development, and thus should be smoked after 25, the trend of low IQ continues…
Furthermore, all children who were in school during lock downs are essentially 3 grade levels behind now due to the pandemic. Wife has been a teacher 20 years and this is what the data is telling her and others, but I’m not certain it’s been released to general public.
Combined with the plastics that are everywhere and in every semen sample tested, leading to lower birth rates, I mean… how is there even a brighter future to look forward to? It’s so ironic how this is the collapse that is actually coming and not something dramatic like Red Dawn, Independence Day, or the Terminator.
It’ll be this: stupidity that reduces us to act like our own brand of the Rwanda genocide.