I wouldn’t trust a Chinese made jet either…

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Bye, Bye Boeing: Here Comes China’s Comac.

“Maybe it will take longer than Boeing hopes for the Comac C919 to gain widespread acceptance. But now that Boeing has consigned itself to Airbus’s crumbs, it’s a matter of when not if Comac squeezes Boeing from the bottom just as hard as Airbus does from the top.

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As much as it pains me to write this, Comac won’t come with any of Boeing’s recent baggage.

Worse, the C919 is stolen property. The airliner “wasn’t just built with home-grown spunk and gumption,” ExtremeTech reported in 2019, and “includes an awful lot of technology China allegedly stole from the same companies it hired to build the plane.” That report is based on an investigation by cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike and also indictments from the Trump-era Department of Justice. “

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