Hungary Being Pushed out of the EU?

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By Martin Armstrong

The European Union has revoked Hungary of its right to host the next summit. The EU supposedly has a rotating presidency of council to maintain the appearance that each state has an equal say in the direction of the bloc. The truth of the matter is that the unelected elite in Brussels control all of Europe and will silence dissenters, as Hungray’s Viktor Orban recently learned.

The next EU summit was to take place  August 28-29 was slated to be Hungary’s opportunity to share its ideas for matters like foreign policy with the rest of the bloc. EU Foreign Policy Chief Josep Borrell planned a “formal” council meeting on the exact dates of Hungary’s summit to undermine the country’s voice in the bloc. Now, Borrell is revoking Budapest’s ability to host the next meeting and moving it to Brussels.

“We have to send a signal, even if it is a symbolic signal, that being against the foreign policy of the European Union … has to have some consequences,” Borrell told reporters. His reasoning is that Brussels vehemently disapproved of Orban’s “peace mission” after he met with leaders in both Russia and China this July. Borrell believes “all member states — with one single exception — are very much critical about this behavior,” adding that he believed it was “appropriate to show this feeling and to call for the next foreign and defense council meetings in Brussels.”


Simply put, Orban wants to end the war in Ukraine, which is completely against the narrative of those in Brussels who want to promote the idea of Russian aggression to promote an escalation in war“My job is to convince them to shift from the pro-war policy to a pro peace policy,” Orban said. “They believe that they can destroy the military [of the] Russians … but I don’t believe this at all, because I know the Russians, I know the Soviet Union, I know the Ukrainians. I’m belonging to a neighboring country. I know the whole context. It’s impossible to find a solution on the battlefield, we will lose every day thousands of innocent people,” Orban told CNBC, also adding that “human life is the most precious thing we can lose,” citing the thousands who have already died in this endless war.

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Add to this the trade tensions between Ukraine and Hungary. Hungary and Slovakia are exempt from the EU ban on Russian crude oil. These landlocked neighbors are to receive oil through the Druzhba pipeline, but Ukraine has prevented these nations from receiving shipments. Lukoil may be the main supplier using this line, but Russneft, Tatneft, and Gazprom also utilize this line, leading Ukraine to intervene.

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“The EU sanctions, which we have disputed on several occasions, and which in this case have again been shown to have a greater negative impact on Slovakia and the EU than on Russia itself, clearly state that Slovakia has an exemption for oil imports until the end of the year,” Slovak Juraj Blanár explained in a joint-statement he made to the European Commission with his Hungarian counterpart, Péter Szijjártó. “It is strange that a country aspiring to be integrated with the EU is seriously jeopardising the energy supplies of two member states,” Péter Szijjártó commented. Will the European Commission side with its members or Ukraine? What is the benefit of being in a “union” that does not support you in any form?

Szijjártó said that Ukraine should forget the blocked €6.5 billion in EU aid as they will not vote to help Ukraine as it threatens their energy supply. Hungary has been demonized by Brussels for blocking additional aid to Ukraine, with neocon Borrell still pushing to send Ukraine €1.4 billion by the beginning of August. There is no European Union. There is a European authority within the pretend union that controls all members.