A devastating storm system, known locally as “DANA” (Depresión Aislada en Niveles Altos), has unleashed historic flooding across Valencia, leaving parts of the city submerged and its infrastructure severely damaged. In the town of Chiva alone, a record-breaking 19.33 inches of rain fell in just eight hours, with 13.55 inches coming down in only four hours. The sheer volume of rain has overwhelmed Valencia’s defenses, causing unprecedented chaos.
The storm has tragically claimed at least 51 lives in the Valencia region, a death toll that is feared to rise as rescue teams continue to work around the clock. Roads, bridges, and buildings have sustained severe damage, with one pedestrian bridge in Picanya collapsing entirely. Numerous highways remain closed, and a tornado that struck towns like Benifaio, Carlet, and Alginet only added to the region’s woes, tearing apart buildings and flinging debris into the air.
Spain has mobilized over 1,000 troops for rescue and recovery efforts, with helicopters flying in to rescue those stranded in flooded homes. The situation remains critical, and the Spanish government is fully engaged in efforts to save lives and provide relief.
- MSN – Deadly flooding sweeps across parts of Spain
- MSN – Spain hit by flash floods that killed 51 people
- The Olive Press – Spain’s PM Pedro Sanchez issues statement
- Wikipedia – October 2024 Spain floods
- Yahoo News – Spain hit by flash floods
- NBC News – Spain flash floods: 51 people killed in Valencia