Heroic Truck Driver Helps Save 15 Kidnapped Kids Held in Cages in Pickup Truck Near US-Mex Border

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“Earlier this month, the Truckload Carriers Association (TCA) named truck driver Michael a ā€œHighway Angelā€ for his heroic rescue of caged children.

Highway Angel reported:

The Truckload Carriers Association (TCA) has named truck driver Michael (his full name and hometown have been excluded to protect his identity) a TCA Highway Angel for discovering, turning in and chasing human traffickers with multiple children in a cage in the back of a pickup truck.

Michael said the little girls that he saw were no older than three or four years old. When the two adults and little girls came back out of the bathroom, the driver of the pickup forced the kids back into the cage, locked it, and covered the cage in a tarp. Michael called the police, and was able to walk around in the dark to read the truckā€™s license plate. Somehow the two adults in the pickup truck must have noticed him, because they took off quickly in the truck. Michael followed them.

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Michael also pulled over and waited till the police were ready to speak with him to get his statement. Police told Michael that ā€œthis kind of thing happens all the timeā€, several of the children had been reported missing, and that there were even more children in the cage. ā€œIn the cage, there were hammocks with kids draped across the top,ā€ Michael said, ā€œand the entire bottom of the cage was filled with children.ā€

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Police also told him for his own protection he should depart, in case anyone affiliated with the human traffickers was watching. The father of two young children (including a little girl) Michael was emotionally distraught after the nightmarish discovery.”



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