Here comes the first phase of “poly crisis”!

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by mobius8curve

Yes it’s called “poly crisis” this fall which will consist of an economic crisis, war on at least 3 fronts, possibly another pandemic, as America dissolves into civil war over the election that neither side will accept so as to fully implement the “pact for the future” by the spring of 2025 Alex Newman shares with Greg Hunter in this in depth 40 minute interview:

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Please consider this 3 minute video where Sherry Tenpenny informs us about “The Pact Of The Future Document” the UN just ratified on September 22nd of this year and its purpose for us in 2025:

The UN is headquartered in New York and is the beast that America is presently riding as much scripture proves!:

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As Sherry Tenpenny mentions in the video above everyone will be expected to have a “biometric digital ID” which will consist of an “iris scan”, “facial scan”, and or a hand print scan.

This is giving the beast your mark to buy and sell:

Folks we are in the 3rd year of this timeline and by next year “great tribulation” will commence:


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