Here comes the bills to make spying easier—Patriot Act 2.0. Surveillance for even more surveillance. DISGUSTING!

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Recent legislative developments in the U.S. signal a disturbing expansion of government power under the guise of national security. Dubbed “Patriot Act 2.0,” these amendments aim to strip away essential privacy protections and civil liberties.

If passed, the government would gain the ability to:

  • Detain individuals indefinitely without disclosing their identity, even in terror-related investigations, until charges are filed—no matter how long that takes.
  • Access credit records, library data, and other private information without a warrant.
  • Conduct warrantless wiretaps for up to 15 days after a terror attack.
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The definition of terrorism would be dangerously broadened, putting peaceful protestors at risk of losing their citizenship. Civil disobedience could now fall under this expansive label, allowing for arbitrary and punitive government action.

The legislation goes even further, granting foreign nations unprecedented influence over American privacy. Americans could be extradited, searched, or wiretapped at the behest of foreign governments, even when existing treaties don’t allow it. For immigrants, this bill threatens their right to fair deportation hearings and blocks federal courts from reviewing immigration rulings altogether.

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The fallout of this legislation would be catastrophic. These surveillance powers would deepen distrust between communities and law enforcement, corroding legitimacy and cooperation. History shows us that unchecked authority leads to abuse.

The “Patriot Act 2.0” is a direct assault on constitutional rights. It’s a power grab, cloaked in the rhetoric of security, that sacrifices freedoms to enable mass surveillance. America must not allow fear to dictate policy at the cost of liberty.

Reject Patriot Act 2.0.
