by Chris Black
Independence is a part of our national mythology.
We are a unique group of people, in a unique place, with a specific identity, and July 4 is a way to mark and remember that identity.
American identity might seem a little complicated at the moment, but we shouldn’t forget who we are.
We should never let them take away our identity, and redefine it as “Americanism,” a global movement against the natural order of the universe.
We have a real identity as a real people.
We have a land, language, a series of symbols, and a unique way of behaving and interacting with one another.
We have art and culture that exists separately from that of the rest of the world.
We are a nation.
We need to be proud of that identity if we wish to defend our country from the people seeking to destroy it.
Hold onto a sense of who you are.
Launch some fireworks, eat a burger, drink some American beer, and realize that the people who fought and died for that flag hated almost everything modern-day American “elites” stand for.