Half of American Adults Say They’re “Unlikely to Ever Have Kids”

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Well this certainly doesn’t bode well for the future of civilization. Or, frankly, the benefit of humans in general.

According to a new Pew study released this week, the percentage of adults under the age of 50 who say they probably won’t ever have kids has skyrocketed in recent years, jumping a whopping 10 points in the last half decade alone. In 2023, the share of adults ages 18 to 49 who say they’re now “unlikely to ever have kids” stood at a stunning 47 percent, up from 37 percent in 2018. In fact, the number of people who say they probably won’t ever have children is practically even with those who say it’s “likely” that they will have kids one day (50%).

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Which begs the next logical question: why are so many adults saying it’s unlikely that they’ll ever have kids? Is it the difficulty of finding a partner with which to procreate? Is it the increasing expense of…well, everything?


As someone currently paying $3k+ per month in daycare fees, I completely understand.

h/t internetStranger205

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